"Of course, the moment Starbucks chooses to promote an artist -- prominent space on the company’s Web page, access to its 5,400 stores throughout the country, possible discussion groups and so on -- that artist almost by definition becomes mainstream," writes Susan Dominus. (Um, anyone recall Antigone Rising?) More from the story:
* Chairman Howard Schultz says: "With the assets Starbucks has in terms of number of stores, and the trust we have with the brand, and the profile of our customers, we’re in a unique position to partner with creators of unique content to create an entertainment platform and an audience that’s unparalleled."
* Herbie Hancock says: "Going to Starbucks, you feel kind of hip. I feel kind of hip when I go to Starbucks; that’s how I know!" (FYI: Starbucks sells his music.)
* The author of this article observes: "The more cultural products with which Starbucks affiliates itself, the more clearly a Starbucks aesthetic comes into view: the image the chain is trying to cultivate and the way it thinks it’s reflecting its consumer. There’s the faintest whiff of discriminating good taste around everything Starbucks sells, a range of products designed, on some level, to flatter the buyer’s self-regard." (Read the NYT story at naplesnews.com)
"There’s the faintest whiff of discriminating good taste around everything Starbucks sells."
What bunk. Why then is the candy garbage? I won't even eat it it's so full of chemicals.
And I've seen some incredibly tacky mugs. NOT discriminating taste.
Posted by: | October 21, 2006 at 11:11 AM
So, um, when is Starbucks going to start carrying opera discs? Any 20th-century work of Dawn Upshaw, Tan Dun, etc., might not be a bad way to go...
....oh, wait. Opera chases people away. (rolls eyes)
Posted by: HopkinsBella | October 22, 2006 at 05:07 PM
anyone remember joe magazine?
Posted by: jabanga | October 24, 2006 at 10:41 PM
Now that's the way to post a place to live, especially in a college town. You local baristas thank you.
Posted by: Sarah | October 27, 2006 at 11:55 PM
Searching for a Skyline Series Los Angeles coffe mug.
Posted by: Carol | December 13, 2006 at 04:17 PM
Searching for a Skyline Series Los Angeles coffe mug.
Posted by: Carol | December 13, 2006 at 04:18 PM