Starbucks says it will begin offering Starbucks-branded coffee-flavored chocolate products in the fall under a deal with Hershey. The first product slated to hit U.S. grocery, drug store and department store shelves this fall, will be a premium hot chocolate. Most other products, including chocolate bars, truffles and chocolate-covered coffee beans, are likely to become available early next year. (Associated Press)
Well, this sounds like a good teamup, probably the only really good one I have heard from SB in a while.
I just hope the flavors really reflect the coffee base, and use a premium chocolate and not Hershey's mass produced chocolates.
Posted by: jt | July 19, 2007 at 03:46 PM
I like this idea...chocolate and coffee go together....much more then watching Saturday Night Live!
Posted by: Northern Latte | July 19, 2007 at 04:06 PM
Let's hear my fellow partners come on, and whine once again about corporate making moves that aren't in our best interest..It's a good move, IMO, just because this gets our brand further out, and it can serve as an introduction of our brand to young people, who will most likely try the expresso covered beans, and the other chocolate products..Therefore, it's good, and it fits within our plan..
Posted by: DuelingDuettos | July 19, 2007 at 04:10 PM
...Will hershey's start making our mocha? Maybe make it less chalky?
Posted by: atownsbuxrules | July 19, 2007 at 04:53 PM
You'd think they'd at least team up with someone offering quality chocolate, not that Hersheys shit.
Posted by: BurntOutShift | July 19, 2007 at 05:28 PM
Two failing companies, with your powers combined!!! still both fail...
Posted by: Wabbit | July 19, 2007 at 05:32 PM
Excellent move. I would prefer have preferred Godiva, Ghirdelli, or even Nestle (larger range of chocolates than you know). But still a great idea.
Wabbit- Are you talking about IHOP/Applebee's? This thread is about Starbucks/Hersey's.
Posted by: justashift | July 19, 2007 at 06:04 PM
Since when is Starbucks a "failing" company?
Posted by: Ron | July 19, 2007 at 06:37 PM
Actually, after doing some research on Hershey's, how is it a "failing" company as well. It's got an attractive PE right now and though it had a bad first quarter, it's overall year growth is still strong.
Wabbit, I take it that for whatever reason you dislike both companies and that's fine should really do some home work before making such a ridiculous statement.
Posted by: Ron | July 19, 2007 at 06:50 PM
hey just a shift,
godiva is made by hershey.
Posted by: | July 19, 2007 at 06:59 PM
"hey just a shift,
godiva is made by hershey."
This is not true.
Posted by: Conor | July 19, 2007 at 07:28 PM
Just remember - mass market. The average consumer will see the names, go "oooh", taste it and think they are getting something premium, when in actuality it will just be well-made, and probably enjoyable. However, just like SB coffee, you can always go to a local coffee shop and get a hell of a better shot of espresso than you could ever get at Starbucks. Same thing. It is a fair trade off of convenience/price.
Posted by: jt | July 19, 2007 at 08:02 PM
coffee kisses.
tell me that won't make them both a motherload!
a nice italian / verona based dark chocolate. oh my.
hersheys is by far the one of the largest / most well known confectioners in the world ... combined with the largest / most well known producer of coffee in world. there is NO DOUBT itt will be a success.
now, they just need to hide golden tickets in the little coffee kisses . . . and children around the world will start to vibrate around the world even more in search of the golden ticket that will win them a new playstation 3.
i love this country.
Posted by: Decaf for EVERYONE! | July 19, 2007 at 08:45 PM
"...Will hershey's start making our mocha? Maybe make it less chalky?"
"a nice italian / verona based dark chocolate. oh my."
I second both of those!!
Posted by: LuvAlmond | July 19, 2007 at 08:48 PM
FYI, Godiva is produced by Campbell's in the USA. Yup, the soup people.
Posted by: justashift | July 19, 2007 at 10:38 PM
Things that make me go meh #212 - Starbucks and Hershey.
But hey, at least the Christmas gift packs may actually be worth eating.
Posted by: Frappman | July 19, 2007 at 10:48 PM
Hershey's also owns Sharfenberger, Joseph Schmidt & Dagoba brands; all very high quality. I think the Starbucks name on chocolate of higher quality will introduce more people to what really good chocolate can taste like. The same thing they've done with coffee.
Posted by: james | July 19, 2007 at 11:59 PM
Posted by: SUPERSTARBARISTA | July 20, 2007 at 02:33 AM
Hershey's chocolate and Godiva are not connected at all, actually I don't think Godiva would be interested in working with SBUX because they have a distributing thing with Coke the same way we sell our bottled Fraps through Pepsi. I'm surprised we're not using something under the PepsiCo banner to sell the product but I guess SBUX hasn't signed an exclusivity deal. I don't think it would be wise for Starbucks to sell their product with Nestle because the company, as the world's number one chocolate providor is on the watch-list for a lot of Human Rights groups for labour violations in the Ivory Coast. If I were SBUX, I'd try and steer clear of that whole mess...not that Hershey's is probably all that better.
Posted by: SUPERSTARBARISTA | July 20, 2007 at 02:38 AM
Sounds like good news to me... here's hoping they introduce them over here in the UK sooner rather than later.
I adore the chocolate covered Coffee beans, so anything like this should go down well too.
Posted by: James UK | July 20, 2007 at 05:34 AM
Superstarbarista - I was just going to mention those problems with Hershey. It's refreshing to know that others out there are on the same page.
I also find the point about the Godiva/Coke v Starbucks/Pepsi thing interesting since the 2 (Starbucks and Godiva) coexist in the Barnes & Noble Cafe... Hmmm...
Anyway, good points.
~ J
Posted by: ~ J | July 20, 2007 at 07:46 AM
Correction - the problems with "Nestle."
~ J
Posted by: ~ J | July 20, 2007 at 07:47 AM
I think the whole Pepsi/Coke thing doesn't play into a single decision with Sbux.
Some Sbux are carrying Vitamin water, which Coke now owns, and I believe Coke owns Odwalla as well.
Posted by: BurntOutShift | July 20, 2007 at 08:41 AM
with regards to Starbucks Mocha... some of you may remember having to make it from a powder and some hot water.
Doesn't surprise me that Starbucks has yet again diluted the "COFFEE" experience by bringing in yet another partner brand to bring yet another layer of complexity to the experience and the barista job. More SKUs please...
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 20, 2007 at 08:49 AM
"Doesn't surprise me that Starbucks has yet again diluted the "COFFEE" experience by bringing in yet another partner brand to bring yet another layer of complexity to the experience and the barista job."
This is at least the 3rd post of yours that I've read complaining about all the work on the barista, one was on selling a DVD. If you think your job is soooo hard, and you are sooo miserable, maybe promote yourself to customer. Your posts sound like you hate starbucks, hate your job, and feel overloaded, time for a permanant vacation perhaps?
Posted by: | July 20, 2007 at 09:11 AM
^ actually, he did quit, alongside work with the company for 15 years.
Maybe he knows a bit more than you, has seen things change, for the worse?
Posted by: the boy. | July 20, 2007 at 11:17 AM
the boy, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to pat nerr.Thanks for the lovely comment though, now can I have an iced cappuccino?
Posted by: | July 20, 2007 at 11:56 AM
A good move, but I do agree Hershey's is a bad choice. They don't make chocolate, they make chocolate flavored stuff. I'd go for a higher grade of chocolate if I were them.
Posted by: Kat | July 20, 2007 at 12:05 PM
Ok, maybe not a "failing company" but a "slowly descending into failure" company. And since when does a barista need to do research before making statements like this? I work for Starbucks and am just fine in admitting that over the last few years stock for Starbucks has gone sign of it going back up anytime soon...shareholders selling like crazy because of this decline, no faith that it will rise again...
Posted by: Wabbit | July 20, 2007 at 02:07 PM
hey wabbit, give it a west. As a shareholder, I acn tell you we are not selling like crazy, and yes we do believe the stock will go back up.
Posted by: | July 20, 2007 at 03:12 PM
Dear un-named comment-person...
The boy is correct. I promoted myself to customer already which means that now I can voice a concern without fear. Which means I have no problems telling all about the degrading of the culture of Starbucks through specific actions the company is taking. It means I can share my opinion about things like you do. The difference is that I can have an educated opinion because I was there and I felt the difference. Yes, I have defended the brand for years because I cared... What company lets tenured partners leave without so much as asking why they are leaving? Not the Starbucks I remember... I'll go out on a limb here and say that at least 9 partners have left the Training group at Starbucks corporate in the last 2 months... what's your opinion on that? It's time for Starbucks to wake up and Howard to know that there ARE other great places to work...
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 20, 2007 at 06:47 PM
What company lets tenured partners leave without so much as asking why they are leaving?
Maybe a company that feels the tenured partner leaving has become a liability instead of an asset. Tenure does not mean loyalty, obviously.
Posted by: | July 20, 2007 at 06:56 PM
doesn't hersey's own friendly's ice cream?? Call me a total idiot but I don't care for Starbucks icecream...
Posted by: jc | July 21, 2007 at 12:21 AM
doesn't hersey's own friendly's ice cream?? Call me a total idiot but I don't care for Starbucks icecream...
Posted by: jc | July 21, 2007 at 12:22 AM
doesn't hersey's own friendly's ice cream?? Call me a total idiot but I don't care for Starbucks icecream...
Posted by: jc | July 21, 2007 at 12:22 AM
doesn't hersey's own friendly's ice cream?? Call me a total idiot but I don't care for Starbucks icecream...
Posted by: jc | July 21, 2007 at 12:23 AM
Pat Nerr
I too have been with SBUX way to long...over ten years, and I agree with you whole heartedly. The SBUX training I remember told us to compare our premium bitter sweet chocolate with the substandard hershey's that everyone else was serving... oh how far we have fallen, right along with the stock. Congrats on leaving, I am proud of your choice. Thank you for your post, it helps me in my journey to distance myself from a company I used to be proud to work for, and am now embarrassed of.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 12:50 AM
Pat Nerr
I too have been with SBUX way to long...over ten years, and I agree with you whole heartedly. The SBUX training I remember told us to compare our premium bitter sweet chocolate with the substandard hershey's that everyone else was serving... oh how far we have fallen, right along with the stock. Congrats on leaving, I am proud of your choice. Thank you for your post, it helps me in my journey to distance myself from a company I used to be proud to work for, and am now embarrassed of.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 12:50 AM
Pat Nerr
I too have been with SBUX way to long...over ten years, and I agree with you whole heartedly. The SBUX training I remember told us to compare our premium bitter sweet chocolate with the substandard hershey's that everyone else was serving... oh how far we have fallen, right along with the stock. Congrats on leaving, I am proud of your choice. Thank you for your post, it helps me in my journey to distance myself from a company I used to be proud to work for, and am now embarrassed of.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 12:51 AM
no name above,
Good bye and good luck, you along with pat nerr will most likely not be missed. You say you are embarassed of your company? Well, I am embarassed by you. Starbucks is partnering with a company, no evil intent there. Please do this company a favor and resign now do not become a liability like the other one.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 06:26 AM
It is interesting, seeing the differing views between those in the stores and those more affiliated with corporate. Those who love where they work, and those who see it as just another company.
As a 5-year partner, I can say I am relatively meh about the company. I have a friend who has been with SB for 15+ years, has a great relationship with HS, and is thoroughly disappointed in some of the choices we have been making. The CDs we sell are the same ones I can pick up anywhere else; we sell DVDs, more merchandise than would ever be necessary, and there are so many floor stands and baskets in the stores it makes the journey to the counter a maze. Don't get me started on the cash wrap.
I think we have the opportunity to make some changes right now that will better position the company for the future, and improve the customer experience. I'm not sure yet how the Hershey's deal will work out - I just hope they come up with something better than the standard can of chocolate.
Posted by: Lisa | July 21, 2007 at 12:15 PM
I love it... The poster with nothing to say "just leave"... You don't get it do you? Starbucks was a place where people cared about working there and the company performance... in return they expected loyalty and and to be take care of. If all you have to say is "just leave" I believe they have some positions for you. Perhaps one in the Communications group working on the company's blog presence and new media? You're a perfect fit to a company with some great plans for diluting the Starbucks Experience for all.
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 21, 2007 at 12:46 PM
No name: No evil just a shift in focus. Read the newspaper and listen to the analyists they are correct. There is change coming. At the company shareholder's meeting this year, the big focus was the global economy and our growth in countries such as India, which is the second largest economy in the world. In the newspaper this morning there was a headline in the business section stating that Starbucks entry into India has stalled. We just left China as well. Sales are down for three years in a row, the stock has been in the toilet for over a year, sounds like a perfect time for Howard to retire and sell... Pat Nerr you are a breath of very fresh air, thank you for your honesty, keep it coming and I hope that people will listen and think about what you are saying.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 03:39 PM
Now here's what has really been on my mind since "the letter". Since there are so many execs within Starbucks that are from PepsiCo (evps, svps and 2 board members) what if Starbucks was bought out by PepsiCo and Howard was able to launch a "new" Il Giornale doing things the way he really wanted to do things... ? That letter sure reinforces that... bringing back the old espresso machines, keeping the message simple... offering the authentic experience now that everyone has been educated.
Posted by: pat nerr | July 21, 2007 at 05:07 PM
This is a badly missed opportunity to work with any number of progressive, socially responsible chocolate purveyors, ie Green& Blacks, Endangered Species, etc.
Hershey is a volume producer of subpar, mass market chocolate, and this alliance brings Starbucks even closer to being a subpar mass market purveyor of coffee (some would argue they already are). I have a feeling the motive behind this has more to do with Starbucks taking a cheap branding opportunity than producing quality, coffee inspired chocolate products.
Although in all fairness, it can't be much worse than the waxy, massively overpriced chocolate bars that Starbucks usually sells
Posted by: polsonbarista | July 21, 2007 at 07:39 PM
Just a correction to the above poster who said SB had left China. Un... NO. They just closed down ONE store in ONE location. And India is NOT the second largest economy in the world Second populous country, yes, but nowhere near as far as economy.
Plase post facts.
Posted by: jt | July 21, 2007 at 09:21 PM
Pat Nerr
I too have wondered about pepsi buying SBUX, it makes perfect sense. I think you are on to something big. I am going to buy shares in pepsi co instead of the dead in the water SBUX.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 10:23 PM
Pat Nerr
I too have wondered about pepsi buying SBUX, it makes perfect sense. I think you are on to something big. I am going to buy shares in pepsi co instead of the dead in the water SBUX.
Posted by: | July 21, 2007 at 10:23 PM
great job pat nerr, now start getting people to sell their sbux stock. You are really starting to get on my nerves, you leave the company after ten years and now come on a gossip website and spill all this bullshit, you should be ashamed of yourself! You don't have your facts straight first of all, just by the whole china blog, so why should anyone believe a bitter person like you? What are you single handedly trying to enlighten us poor souls? Save me, you have a freaking agenda, and its called green apron stories, you are trying to gain some business. You are a jerk and the company will do just fine without you, why do you think no one asked why you were leaving? They didn't care, you had become a waste of space. Now you come on a gossip site and spew this crap? Please, where were you 9 years ago? You sicken me....hopefully anyone on here with any sense will take your posts for what they are, a bitter ex-partner trying to get his sorry website off the ground. Take your toys and go home.
Posted by: | July 22, 2007 at 08:51 AM
you nameless fellow(s) crack me up. It's like watching kids throw a tantrum at Walmart.
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 22, 2007 at 02:13 PM