The police lieutenant allegedly told Starbucks employees: "If something happens, either we can respond really fast or we could respond really slow. I've been coming here for years and I've been getting whatever I want." I know many Starbucks offer free coffee to cops, but my view is that most of them get decent salaries and should pay like the rest of us. (Read the story)
Goes to show how cops continue to abuse their power... they're becoming worse and worse and this country is turning into a police state... there is no law, policy or whatever on any Starbucks book that says we should give free coffee to cops and firefighters... I never give them anything for free...
Posted by: Joss | July 16, 2008 at 07:04 PM
Police and Fire department officers deserve our respect. But they shouldn't abuse our respect by insisting on getting free coffee (specialty or otherwise).
Posted by: Joe | July 16, 2008 at 07:14 PM
Anyone watch "The Wire"? Reminds me of something Officer Jimmy McNulty would do...
Posted by: P.R.I.D.E. | July 16, 2008 at 07:28 PM
I was told that any water-based beverage (drip coffee, tea, etc.) was free of charge to officers in uniform. However, when one of my shift supervisors offered a police officer her tall coffee for free, she got visibly angry and insisted that she pay. Odd.
Am I right, though, regarding the policy for officers in uniform? Police officers around here all get caramel macchiatos for the most part anyway so it doesn't exactly matter most of the time...
Posted by: Kate | July 16, 2008 at 07:34 PM
I think it depends on the's a management decsion. At the stores in my area, drip coffee is usually free, but anything else is 25% off if they are in uniform...same for military...luckily they don't abuse it.
Posted by: Redd | July 16, 2008 at 07:37 PM
Interestingly, police officers (and any civil servant) would be violating their own policies by accepting free products from our stores- which is often why they'll say "no, no I'll pay for it" or refuse to take something for free. I think a smile, genuine appreciation, and a cheerful attitude goes a long way with these men and women- much more than a free tall drip would.
Posted by: P.R.I.D.E. | July 16, 2008 at 07:46 PM
Discounts of this type are up to the store manager. Our store offers free brewed coffee and a 10% discount to all uniformed police, fire and military. Only once did an officer refuse my offer of free coffee and that was an Immigration officer.
It is sad that a bad apple like this man will negatively impact the rest of the great officers we come in contact with every day.
Posted by: tallgrandeventi | July 16, 2008 at 08:02 PM
what a dipshit.
~lor ♥
Posted by: Lor | July 16, 2008 at 08:52 PM
There's no Starbucks policy saying that police, firefighters, or military get free beverages. It's up to the store manager to set the policy, and even then, it's always optional. If a cop is a jerk, or tries to order ten drinks for his buddies, then the partner is free to charge full price if they want. Also, it is technically against police policy to accept gifts, even though it's an incredibly common practice. And not just at Starbucks.
Posted by: Ben | July 16, 2008 at 09:03 PM
Police officers specifically are not allowed to receive monetary or material gratuities, I'm not sure about the rest. In some places it's actually a law, in others it is department policy but it definitely is a no-no everywhere.
Posted by: deusx | July 16, 2008 at 09:55 PM
In addition to what deusx said I have always been told and felt that giving products to officers was a direct violation of our business ethics policy which actually has a dollar limit (cant remember the exact amount but if i remember correctly it is in the $40 dollar range) for trading services/products with other businesses.
Posted by: asm | July 16, 2008 at 10:12 PM
Actually the policy is that partner beverages are ONLY for the the partners. Not for your mother.. not for your grandmother.. and sure as hell not for joe schmo cop that insinuates he gets it for free.
a woman used to come into my store trying to get a discount with her sons partner card. guess what? she got him fired.
Posted by: say what | July 16, 2008 at 10:26 PM
this is ridiculous...No starbucks policy exists that says uniformed civil servants (cops, military, coast guard yada yada) get a discounted or comped beverage. First of all it's against their own code of ethics. Second of all its not up to SM's to say who does and does not get a free beverage. It's set in stone black and white. Managers don't get to say, "My store gives free drinks to x, y z," If they do call the business conduct helpline and they'll get a serious scolding if not termed. If there's a humanitarian crisis(i.e. 9-11) by all means give free water offer aid assist and comfort first-responders. Cops are required to pay full price otherwise, and when they don't it has a big stinky name: CORRUPTION!
Posted by: bucked | July 16, 2008 at 10:46 PM
I'm sorry but just because your in the freaking military doesnt mean that you get products cheaper. They get charged just the same, I have had to write a partner up before for giving literally 20 free drinks away to military ppl. They get paid a good amount that they can afford it. Cops get free Tall Drips as per Sbux Standard.
Posted by: MilitaryDoesntDeserveADiscount | July 17, 2008 at 12:30 AM
I gave police officers and firefighters their drinks free for years, for just the reason this Daytona Beach cop stated- i prefer them to be as awake as possible, for their safety and my own. And there have been two separate occasions in which i have been caught speeding and gotten off with a warning when the officer found out i was coming home from work and saw the green apron in the passenger's seat.
As a rule, though, if a person, no matter who they are or what they do, requests or expects free anything, i would never give it to them.
Posted by: ohmi.gosh | July 17, 2008 at 12:35 AM
"I gave police officers and firefighters their drinks free for years, for just the reason this Daytona Beach cop stated- i prefer them to be as awake as possible, for their safety and my own. And there have been two separate occasions in which i have been caught speeding and gotten off with a warning when the officer found out i was coming home from work and saw the green apron in the passenger's seat."
I think this is just so wrong. If a person is breaking the law, they should pay the consequences of that. They shouldn't be getting off the hook because they give cops free coffee out of someone elses pocket. That's immoral and wrong.
Posted by: Richard | July 17, 2008 at 12:42 AM
Thats funny. I don't recall giving free drip, but in my store its 25% off. This includes cops, paramedics, and fire fighters. They rarely come to our store anyways....about like twice a week. We're gonna get quick response time nonetheless cuz...the police station is like 2 blocks away. Haha
Posted by: Mysticboi | July 17, 2008 at 12:53 AM
Oh, that's funny. Our store gives free drinks that we make (non-RTDE) to cops in uniform but they always tip us the cost of the drink or $1 at the very least. The ones that don't tip usually get an iced water or a tall drip, which we're more than willing to accommodate, especially when we don't insist they tip or anything.
Posted by: Wyfind | July 17, 2008 at 01:12 AM
Oh, wow. I agree that that guy should have been fired, as what he did was so arrogant and just plain rude. Yet, my store does offer free drinks (non-RTDE) to cops in uniform. We have no problems with it and they usually tip us the cost of the drink or at least a buck or two, although we never insist that they should do so.
Posted by: Wyfind | July 17, 2008 at 01:13 AM
That's it... just after reading that story, I know that from now on, I will charge *everyone* except in-store employees full price for everything. I used to give cops free bevs, and some military personnel, too (we have a base near my store) anyhow, it's totally corruption and I will not stand for it... From now on, full price and that's that!
Brad in Denver
Posted by: Brad | July 17, 2008 at 01:15 AM
Depends on the store. We give uniformed people free drinks. At times I've given military, cops, fire fighters, and ambulance workers free drinks.
Personally? My motto? If they have a gun, it's free!
Posted by: Zipy | July 17, 2008 at 01:16 AM
okay that dude was a jerk, but that isn't the norm. policy is place for just this reason, to avoid abuse of power. that said, the prior management at my store used to give all uniformed personnel free drinks and it required a lot of diplomacy when our current sm changed that to allowing free drip only.
what i've noticed is that we get a lot less military and first responders in, but the police officers still come by for their coffee and they always have money in hand. also, i always keep money on my partner card and in my apron pocket to buy a drink here and there for customers. i do this because we are not allowed to "surprise and delight" without our sm's approval. since he never works nights and i do, i figured its easier to pay for the drink myself.
i don't think anybody who goes into service whether it be military, police, firefighting gets paid enough (they put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect the rest of us). so if i can, i like to treat them once in awhile.
Posted by: e | July 17, 2008 at 02:05 AM
You know that within a week we'll probably see a communication regarding S.O.P. for discounted beverages for public servants because of this posting...I'm sorry I brought up the story in the first place now!
Posted by: P.R.I.D.E. | July 17, 2008 at 02:10 AM
Ridiculous. If I worked at SBUX, I might comp a firefighter, but no way in hell would I give any cop something for free. Too many of them are total A-holes.
Posted by: Tall Drip | July 17, 2008 at 07:12 AM
The guy does sound like a jerk, and I can certainly understand the partners in that store at having reluctance to accommodate his request. The right thing happened - he was fired. Can you imagine how many other places he was probably doing this to?
My mother works at a gas station/convenience store - they offer police/firemen/paramedics free coffee, but not one has ever intimidated anyone!
I think our police, military, fire depts put themselves out there every day for us and offering a free drink every so often makes them feel appreciated. It doesn't need to be a policy -you can just ask "can I buy your coffee today" and they will say no thanks or thanks a bunch.
Let's not all be thinking that this jerk represents a fine group of individuals who protect us every day.
Posted by: Decaf Drinker | July 17, 2008 at 07:16 AM
This is the only time I've agreed with you, P.R.I.D.E.
E - I like your reasoning:
i don't think anybody who goes into service whether it be military, police, firefighting gets paid enough (they put their lives on the line every day to serve and protect the rest of us). so if i can, i like to treat them once in awhile.
Posted by: Z12 | July 17, 2008 at 07:27 AM
"Ridiculous. If I worked at SBUX, I might comp a firefighter, but no way in hell would I give any cop something for free. Too many of them are total A-holes"
Hey dummy, they get shot at. They can't be officer friendly to everyone all the time. Their job is to figure out who is dangerous and minimize their threat to everyone else. That's dangerous and they need to be objective of all people they come in contact with. Why don't you try and have an ounce of understanding as to the inherent danger of the job and why some cops could seem like A-holes before you run your mouth and come off sounding like a 10th grade thug. The golden rule-if you don't want to be botheredd by cops, then don't break the law.
Posted by: TiredofPatner'stude' | July 17, 2008 at 08:31 AM
where is Patnerr to blame this all on Seattle and Howard. I mean logically he/she/it should have posted some hateful diatribe already about this being the reason (and there seem to be alot of those) the company is in the tank and he/she/it is sooooo angry. just sayin'.
Posted by: tiredofPatner'stude' | July 17, 2008 at 08:33 AM
There's no debating this one... The company policy on handing out drinks is clear. Only employees... 30 minutes prior to their shift, while on shift and 30 minutes after their shift, may receive a free coffee or tea beverage.
...But then just say yes... but don't give away the store...
...But just say yes...
...but only employees get a free beverage. Unless you're robbed. Then give them the money and a free drink coupon.
yep... the policy is clear
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 17, 2008 at 08:37 AM
there you go little guy...
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 17, 2008 at 08:40 AM
seriously tho... look at all of the responses from various stores saying they would or they wouldn't give a cop a free beverage... It's not consistent...
...and I wonder why?
Posted by: Pat Nerr | July 17, 2008 at 08:42 AM
All cops are not A-Holes. My town has a reputation for having arrogant cops who have nothing better to do than pull people over for the fun of it, but I know plenty in other towns who are the nicest and funniest people I have ever met...I haven't actually met many around here b/c I'm ULTRA careful on the road, but I'm sure they aren't really ALL bad.
Don't blame everyone for one jerk's attitude. It's like the poeple who post on here about how stupid and rude ALL partners are based on their experience at a few stores.
I don't have a problem giving a discount like that...I wish we had one for seniors and students. People like that sort of thing... Since I got out of college, I miss being able to get that student discount at certain places...
Posted by: Redd | July 17, 2008 at 08:45 AM
No, there's no such policy company-wide. Our store doesn't give out "free drinks" to anyone.
We are a 24-hour drive through store, and police are often VERY uncomfortable accepting a free beverage in the event that I have no ability to charge them. It violates their department policies, big time.
Posted by: Argentius | July 17, 2008 at 09:30 AM
Couldn't resist yourself, huh Pat? you try not to show restraint, but nope, you can't. You HAVE to say something and's the big suprise, it's always slanted against the company. I'm shocked you would take a position on this that would insinuate the company needs to do something better or different (insert sarcasm)
little guy
Posted by: TiredofPatner'stude' | July 17, 2008 at 09:44 AM
In my area: free tall anything, and they pay for all grande or Venti. It works out just fine, and they're always surprised and delighted as they put away their debit cards. Pastries and RTD they of course pay for. We do it to be nice and give back to what they do for us, but it is also a way to have them in our stores more often, which can deter possible malicious people.
Also the girls (and some of the boys) go crazy over Hot Cop whenever he comes in.
Posted by: CoffeeMaster33 | July 17, 2008 at 09:58 AM
I'm surprised at how many of you jumped on the bandwagon so quickly. I don't charge for cops out of respect for what they do, and they're cool with it. In fact, they usually park in our lot after we close and wait to make sure we get out safe.
Obviously not every officer is a shining example of the law, but seriously, are you going to read this article and assume all cops are jerks? They're the people keeping things under control in your town.
Occasionally I comp a drink or two for other people, as well. For example, there is a woman who comes in before her all night shift at the hospital where she deals with babies born addicted to cocaine (because their parents did it while pregnant), and spends the night with them helping them get through the withdrawl.
These are little things, but they contribute to the community.
Posted by: Peaches | July 17, 2008 at 10:08 AM
At my store, we are located in a high traffic area for police and firefighters. However none of them will EVER accept free items, they are very clear about that. I have been doing markouts on pastry at night and offered them a cookie which was promptly rejected and then followed up with a lecture on officers accepting free items. So I am going to say that this guy was breaking a department rule already just by accepting free coffee.
Posted by: JAJA | July 17, 2008 at 10:10 AM
I'm not sure what place personal attacks should have in the debate.
Seems to have gotten out of control lately.
Posted by: truth | July 17, 2008 at 10:36 AM
Funny and true: We used to have a couple of cops come in several times a week - a woman and her younger partner (one of those people who orders their drink at 130 degrees). I was on register, and like Starbucks has trained me, offered a pastry, "Would you like something from the pastry case today? Maybe a doughnut?"
The lady cop gave me the dirtiest look and a very terse, "No." Then she paid me and I haven't seen them since.
Woops. Top Pot Doughtnuts are my favorite, and I ALWAYS recommend them.
E - you need to talk to your DM, you should have the power to surprise and delight without your manager's approval, unless you have overdone it in the past.
It's a bad idea for any store to adopt its own free drink policy - it leads to an inconsistency between stores and confusion during management changes (which can be frequent). No Free Drinks.
Posted by: hearbutloud | July 17, 2008 at 10:41 AM
My manager gives everything free to men and women in a uniform such as army, navy, police, sheriff and firefighter. Moreso to let people know there is always a cop or two so they don't rob us.
Posted by: Pee | July 17, 2008 at 10:42 AM
Why doesn't it surprise me that something like this happened in Florida?
I worked in retail for a long time, and it's shameful how often customers treat retail associates like they're a)stupid or b)do not need to be treated as equals because of their job titles.
Posted by: Melanie | July 17, 2008 at 10:48 AM
I took over at a store in the chicago sburbs that gave coffee free to police and fire. And the rural FD, and the next 2 towns surrounding, sherrif dept, Jail name it..they were driving outside their towns/jurisdictions for free drinks--40-50 dollars/day out the window. I stopped it, I was afraid we would burn to the ground---not happy at all. Movd to another town where it is strictly forbidden, as store manager i offered a cup to an officer who helped a customer with a lock out and was lectured. Wouldn't that store in FL have those altercations on the cameras/sound system?
Posted by: boomer | July 17, 2008 at 11:24 AM
At our store in Texas, we gave away coffee's and tea's for free. Usually we'd charge full price for latte's, mocha's, and fraps.
The police officers never really expected anything for free. New partners wouldn't know and would sometimes charge for the coffee/tea and they never complained. They also tended to tip very well.
Maybe we just had a nicer group of cops than other stores had.
Posted by: AG | July 17, 2008 at 11:44 AM
I know longer drink Starbucks because I discovered that Borders Cafes make a better vanilla latte. I believe Starbucks now owns Seattles Best and I hope you never screw up the great method, roast and taste of Seattles Best. Anywhooo, I was a Starbucks customer for the past 6 years or so and there was a female barista who used to give me and my family free drinks on a regular basis. I could tell she got a thrill for not charging us at the register even when her manager or other partners were standing right next to her. At first, I was like, what? You don't want my money? Oh, you're so sweet! I mean, I was a pretty polite and pleasant customer and visited many southeast Michigan locations and the baristas were always happy to see me, but just wanted to share that other people out there are getting a ton of free drinks, not just law enforcement.
Posted by: LatteVanilla | July 17, 2008 at 11:55 AM
Any officer not paying a tab/bill is excepting a brib. Getting a free beverage is taking a brib and is a big no no.
Some are saying that they deserve free drinks, no!!! Lets just free drinks to everyone, teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers, etc.
Come on partners, look at the company policy about giving free beverages. As a partner I can't go into my own SB and receive a free beverage so why are you giving police officers free beverages.
If you feel your local police officer deserves a cup of coffee than YOU put the money into the register.
Posted by: tall-is-smaill | July 17, 2008 at 11:58 AM
I don't understand the mind frame of a free beverage(etc) shows your appreciation for what a cop/firefighter/ military person does. They chose their occupation; they were not forced into it. Sure their pay sucks. But so does ours. Does it mean we deserve to get things for free because we're poor? As someone else just said- "If you feel your local police officer deserves a cup of coffee than YOU put the money into the register."
"The golden rule-if you don't want to be bothered by cops, then don't break the law."
Funny as this has been proven a 1000+ times that this isn't a true statement. It should be but in reality, it isn't. You can't lecture that all cops aren't all asshats while preaching that all cops do their job correctly. Because neither is a true statement.
And technically, any cop that accepts a free anything is in violation of their city's own policies. Nice.
Posted by: Stacy | July 17, 2008 at 12:32 PM
Police and firefighters get paid PLENTY. Yes, their jobs are dangerous (though not in the top 10 by death rate), but they are handsomely compensated for it in money, benefits, and other perks. No company should feel obligated to further reward them for doing their job.
If you want to help a cop, help strengthen their image as impartial civil servants by NOT giving them freebies, unless they do something beyond their normal job (i.e. coming in for a break during a shift would be a normal job duty...spending two hours in the area trying to help out a victim and coming in for a quick drink, that might warrant a free coffee...just like it would for any other citizen in that situation).
Back to the story...the real story did such a fool rise to the rank of Lieutenant?
Posted by: D | July 17, 2008 at 12:53 PM
I don't think anyone gives free drinks to uniformed personnel because they might get paid little, it has more to do with thanking them and showing respect to people who put their lives on the line for you and me. You're absolutely right, they aren't allowed to accept, it's a violation of policy.
what I have alot of trouble with is the whiners that always come out when police officers are brought up. Get a new f*ckin tag line. Cops are A-holes. An officer was shot point blank in the head here 5 years ago doing his job. everyone that expects cops to your best friend is stupid. I'm going to act as an adult and say, well they certainly do risk more on a daily basis than I do when they go to work, therefor, if they don't feel like being overly nice, or they want to pull me over for having a headlight out and keep me there for 15 minutes, OK. Their job, a I said earlier, is to identify threats to public safety and take them into custody.And not everyone has a sign around their neck saying they are planning to commit a crime, so cops have to meet everyone with a certain amount of caution and questioning.
Posted by: TiredofPatnerr'stude' | July 17, 2008 at 01:11 PM
I've got to say, I'm quite surprised, reading this, the number of partners who DO give police officers free drinks.
It's enough that I hope Starbucks issues a clarification on the matter following this issue.
If everyone knew it was improper, we wouldn't have issues like this.
Posted by: Argentius | July 17, 2008 at 01:39 PM
I will not give a police officer, a firefighter, a paramedic, any military personnel, or any other uniformed people free drinks...even coffee. If I am not mistaken, if the head of each of there respective departments finds out that these uniformed officials...civil servants are getting free merchandise...and yes drinks are considered merchandise...then he/or she may be fired. If a civil servant EXPECTS a free drink then he better not come into the store I am at. I will politely tell them no. And to the commenters insulting the military officals and other civil servants,,,Keep your negative comments to yourself...These people help to serve and protect our communities.
Posted by: Rick | July 17, 2008 at 02:13 PM