Starbucks posted this on its Twitter feed Wednesday afternoon: Whoa - check out the long line to try and rate new unreleased drinks @ Starbucks - Support Center & Corporate HQ. Did any Starbucks Gossip readers stop by? What were the drinks, and how were they?
Valencia Orange something maybe, you know people have been pining for it for 4 years now. Awwh, the days of orange mocha frappuccinos & Zoolander.
Posted by: usorthem3 | April 06, 2011 at 03:45 PM
It was the coconut syrup based drinks that will be released later this year. Love the Coconut Mocha Frappuccino!
Posted by: SSC Partner | April 06, 2011 at 04:02 PM
Innovation alert!!! What'll they think of next???
Posted by: Bdan | April 06, 2011 at 05:01 PM
They have had coconut syrup in Hawaii Starbucks the stuff whenever I am on the islands for business.
Posted by: Bob | April 06, 2011 at 05:13 PM
I'd heard about them bringing back the coconut mocha. I'm really looking forward to it! Does anyone know if this is going to just be a summer seasonal thing, or will it be a regular syrup? I'm guessing seasonal, but I'd sure love it if it was here to stay!
Posted by: LadyKathryn | April 06, 2011 at 05:31 PM
See, I'm hoping that then Ristretto Bianco that was test-marketed in some areas gets officially released nationwide. I'm in one of the test markets, and it's a refreshing change of pace to have a new drink unveiled that isn't basically "Here's a new syrup flavor."
Posted by: Starbuckers, Inc. | April 06, 2011 at 06:22 PM
Sorry to say the coconut syrup will only be a seasonal thing :-/
Posted by: Kate | April 06, 2011 at 06:37 PM
Seasonal, huh? Well, it's not really surprising. Thanks for the info!
Posted by: LadyKathryn | April 06, 2011 at 06:43 PM
And ristretto bianco as well as the new steaming pitchers..which are awesome are both dead in the water.
Posted by: javagirl666 | April 06, 2011 at 06:52 PM
Nope not coconut. Thanks for playing, try again!
Posted by: Real SSC Partner | April 06, 2011 at 07:29 PM
I would love to know where or how was the notice for this. New tea drinks maybe?
Posted by: Melody | April 06, 2011 at 07:54 PM
I am one who is hoping for the valencia back. *sigh* I miss it!
Posted by: shift | April 06, 2011 at 09:16 PM
My best guess is Starbucks Kcups....
Posted by: B. Moore | April 07, 2011 at 12:04 AM
Where did you hear that Ristretto Bianco is done, javagirl? I sincerely hope that's not the case.
Posted by: me | April 07, 2011 at 02:36 AM
Hello coconut lovers... The Starbucks in 600 Barnes & Noble stores nationwide have had coconut mocha frapps forever. We make all kinds of delicious stuff with it. Mounds Bar Frapp anyone?
Posted by: I've got your coconut. | April 07, 2011 at 06:09 AM
Any chances any of it will be sugar-free?
Posted by: Hirayuki | April 07, 2011 at 08:46 AM
They sent an action item out. There are safety concerns over the pitchers. It said to tell customers we temporarly out.
Posted by: I <3 music | April 07, 2011 at 09:28 AM
I am thinking that the coconut mocha might end up being one whole syrup, much like toffee mocha was.
Posted by: Jmo | April 07, 2011 at 06:52 PM
@Jmo, I certainly hope not, because I'm very much looking forward to a coconut latte! When we launched Simphony, I noticed a 'Coconut' button on the syrup screen.
Separate (and completely irrelevant)question: My spouse is a federal employee. In the event of a government shutdown, would this circumstance fall within the scope of collecting from the CUP fund?
Posted by: baristamclane | April 07, 2011 at 09:42 PM
I work at a licensed store, so I was flipping through the paperwork, but didn't actually see the syrup bottle. I know cocnut syrup would make a lot of people happy though. Anyone else dreading the return of happy hour?
Posted by: Jmo | April 07, 2011 at 10:07 PM
I was under the impression the CUP fund was for disaster type situations...ex. fire, flood, mudslide, hurricane type things that your possessions were destroyed or your store ruined and you couldn't go to work for a while...Look into it on for the criteria. I may be completely wrong but all times I've heard of it being used have been disaster type situations.
Posted by: Coffee Soldier | April 08, 2011 at 06:35 AM
After more than 2 years I finally ventured back into a Starbucks and was met with a April Fools Joke gone wrong. Here in LA it was over 80 degrees and bright sunny. Inside the store the temperature was hovering near 90 degrees. When I asked the clerk to lower the thermostat, he replied he could not do that. The temperature is controlled by corporate in Seattle. WHAT!!!!
Does corporate expect their guests to suffer in uncomfortable conditions just to save a few bucks on air conditioning? I am staying with the mom-and-pops or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf from now on.
Posted by: Mark | April 08, 2011 at 06:39 AM
The cup fund is also available to partners having a hardship to help with illness or other financial issues arisng from life's curveballs. Realize it isn't much you can get but it is a helping hand.
Posted by: meme | April 08, 2011 at 06:39 AM
If the new drinks are coconut based, it would seem that Starbucks came late to the party this season, seeing as Caribou Coffee is currently promoting coconut drinks.
Posted by: Tczinder | April 08, 2011 at 08:00 AM
@Mark the employee is not telling the truth. We can control the temperature at each store. Perhaps the manager didn't want to or it was broken but corporate certainly doesn't control EACH stores temp! I'd imagine that the southern stores would suffer considering Starbucks corporates location.
@everyone The Summer 11 drink IS Mocha Coconut Frappucino and Coconut Creme Frappucino. One way to stop speculation: go on the portal, go to documents, then promotional materials. Duh. Also Three Region blend for the coffee promo.
<3 K
Posted by: K | April 08, 2011 at 08:49 AM
We can't control the temperature at our store...
Posted by: Spresso | April 08, 2011 at 09:44 AM
re: CUP Fund:
Actually a former partner was able to use the CUP fund for a massive amount of dental work. But this was a while back.
From the life @sbux site. Before you apply to CUP Fund they ask that you "use all available resources such as:
• Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - visit
(for legal advice, financial planning, community resources, and counseling services)
• Health coverage
• Paid time off - vacation/sick pay/personal day
• Disability income benefits - call Starbucks Benefits Center at (877) SBUXBEN (728-9236) to see if you are eligible
• Help from family or friends
• Community services
• Other financial resources including a 401(k) loan and sale of stock"
"Funds from the CUP Fund will not be available for things such as:
• Lost wages when receiving income replacement
• Routine living expenses such as rent (unless past due or eviction notice is provided), phone bills, car payments and other non-essential utility bills
• Tuition or other school-related costs
• Car repairs or other transportation needs
• Payment of traffic or other court related fines
• Legal services (e.g., custody cases, immigration, etc.)
• Veterinary bills
• Reduced income due to a variance in the partner’s scheduled hours
• Other personal debts such as income tax, child support, credit card debt, gambling, garnishment, loan repayment, etc.
• Expenses resulting from the actions of the partner’s roommates (e.g., not paying rent, leaving without notice)
• Loss of the partner’s personal property not impacting the partner’s safety
• Financial assistance or services that the partner is not obligated repay
• Elective services (e.g. cosmetic procedures, fertility treatments, etc.)
• Debt that is in the collections process
• Anticipated future expenses or debts"
It said to "read through the below eligibility requirements" but there was only that list of exclusions.
Posted by: Spresso | April 08, 2011 at 09:51 AM
HERE IT IS! Looks like maybe you can use cup fund... good luck to you!!!!
Criteria for Distribution
The CUP Fund is intended to help you when
• a catastrophic circumstance occurs outside your control and
• you have sudden and unexpected financial responsibilities as a result and
• you do not have sufficient resources to meet your responsibilities.
The list below outlines the type of financial needs that may be eligible for assistance. It is intended
as a guide and is not intended to be all-inclusive.
• Out-of-pocket health care expenses not subject to a payment plan with your health care
• Loss or reduction in your income because you are ill, injured, or are unable to work
• Travel expenses to visit a seriously ill family member* or to attend the funeral of a family
• Basic funeral expenses of a family member* when you and your family do not have enough
resources including payments from life insurance
• To establish or re-establish a habitable and safe residence when your home is damaged or lost
due to natural disaster or unforeseen circumstances
• Loss or reduction in income for the primary wage earner in your household (your
spouse/domestic partner or family member) when they are unable to work due to illness,
injury, natural disaster or similar catastrophic event (e.g., fire), or when needed to care for an ill
family member* and they don’t have other financial resources
Posted by: Spresso | April 08, 2011 at 09:56 AM
These new flavors seem really exciting!
Since you guys are obviously super Starbucks fans, if you would be interested in helping out a student, I'm currently doing a case study on SBux and I created a survey for my class.If anybody would be interested in taking the survey, we would really appreciate the input.
Link to survey:
Posted by: Veronica | April 08, 2011 at 02:48 PM
@K not true. The thermostat at my store does not change even if you try to adjust the settings. You can try all you want but it doesn't affect any change. Sorry to rain on your "every store" parade but not all stores operate the same.
Posted by: usorthem3 | April 08, 2011 at 07:22 PM
I can assure you..there is not a room at the SCC with 10,000 thermostat controls for each various store..does that even SOUND plausible that you wouldn't be able to control your thermo?? Call it in to Facilities..and thanks for the chuckle!
Posted by: javagirl666 | April 08, 2011 at 07:41 PM
javagirl666 i am chuckling with you on this one too. :)
Posted by: ... | April 08, 2011 at 09:13 PM
Great, thanks to the partners who did the research for me! ;) I don't think I'll need to apply for it, but I wanted to know what other options I would have available in that event.
To chime in on the AC, I haven't tried to adjust the thermostat in several years, but it was to my understanding that the thermostat control was locked.
Posted by: baristamclane | April 08, 2011 at 09:41 PM
The thermostats are a bitch to figure out. (or at least in my store.) However, if you high / low the temp to what you want and hold it for about 10 seconds, that works.
Posted by: spence | April 08, 2011 at 10:08 PM
We absolutely cannot control the thermostat at my store. Any time it gets out of control we have to call it in to facilities.
Posted by: mnmsr4me | April 08, 2011 at 11:13 PM
well the temp 'is' controlled by corporate in that there is a Starbucks standard for what the AC should be set to (75 degrees I believe).
However, it isn't LITERAlLY controlled by corporate. Stores CAN control it individually. However, the control panels are usually locked and you have to know how to 'unlock' them. Also, AC units for commercial spaces tend to be very hard to 'control'.
Posted by: hipsterdufus | April 09, 2011 at 03:47 AM
I think the partners are making and honest mistake regarding the AC and just messing up "corporate" with "building owners". We have no control over our temp, the building owner has it locked and contacting him to change it takes days.
Posted by: barista a | April 09, 2011 at 07:33 AM
It's not valencia. They have said this won't be back very recently.
Posted by: factsnotwishes | April 09, 2011 at 08:11 AM
As part of our commitment to Shared Planet all stores thermostats are being LOCKED to corporate decided temperatures. This is not just to "save a buck" but to support our goals set out with LEAD, a recognized organization with plans and ideas to cut carbon emissions and waste for the planet. This means not blaring air conditioning and blasting heat.
So no, there is NOT a room in Seattle with thermostats but the actual thermostats have been locked by Seattle.
Stores will be visited by your local heating and cooling facility company (contracted by Starbucks) and controls will be set. Not all stores have yet to be completed but it will happen soon enough. You will not notice a physical change to your thermostats- they just won't actually adjust.
Starbucks always welcomes feedback ( or 1-800-23-latte) so feel free to contact them- they are the only ones able to make a decision to change temperatures going forward- no use complaining to staff, managers or on gossip websites.
Posted by: courtney | April 09, 2011 at 07:15 PM
@courtney- LEED not LEAD
Posted by: SBsmooth | April 10, 2011 at 01:06 AM
re: ristretto bianco, in my corner Starbucks the "temporarily unavailable" sign was at first hand-lettered and is now a neat label over the prices. one of the baristas told me, the first time I expressed disappointment, that she could make me the same thing -- they couldn't even ring it up as a ristretto, though (tall latte with three ristretto shots, or something). I hope the "temporary" is really, indeed, temporary, as it's a great honest coffee drink.
Posted by: cafemama | April 11, 2011 at 07:40 PM
what is ristretto bianco????/
Posted by: curious | April 14, 2011 at 03:40 PM
tip: complain enough and even when your thermo is "locked" your facilities will teach you how to change it. although, its pretty obvious if you just mess with it. our store was built horrrrrribly inncorrectly, and if the lobby was 75 degrees, the bar would be atleast 80. gotta love smart architecture. I figure that most long term customers would rather bring a sweatshirt than watch my sweat drip into their cups. our air is at 72, heat at 64. if its particularly humid, we kick it down to 71 or else the "fridge" smell starts pouring out from the back. (not that our fridges are dirty, its just that i-should-be-cold smell..)
Q: anyone heard if were getting 3 region in VIA? i didn't see it on promo, but im still hoping..
Posted by: inkedmuse | April 17, 2011 at 10:56 PM
In regards to thermostats.... some stores are remotely monitored and it is tied in with your security system, but VERY few. This was a test they ran in some new construction and killed. Maybe 20-30 stores piloted this if I remember. When we still had our regional office, the thermostat was set by seattle and required a maintence visit to over ride so it was never done ($100 just to turn the ac on? Yeah). I remember a really hot April and we were literally all dripping with sweat... the air could not be turned on until after day light savings time without a service call to turn it on one time! (this was before they moved it up on the calendar too!) So yes, there are stores and offices locked to seattle in a round about way, which cracks me up because that was part of the values walk to monitor the store temp.
I would LOVE Valenica to return... not that awful orange syrprup that turned your tongue and poop day glow orange and made you burn orange zest for 2 days.
Posted by: Ex StarbucksManager | May 07, 2011 at 03:56 PM